Intro Offer ~ Come and get to know us and our studio!
$25 for 15 days
Unlimited access to all of our classes.
Valid for 15 days from the date of purchase
Attend any of our classes, both at the studio and at the Currier Museum (live-streamed options included).
Does not include our on-demand library, workshops, and specialty classes.
This offer cannot be shared or combined with any other discounts
Only valid for students who are new to White Swan.
Class Packs* ~ Valid For in-person and live-streamed classes:
Drop-in Class: $20
5-Class Pack: $90 (Expires in 6 months)
5- Class Pack for Seniors (62+): $80
10-Class Pack: $160 (Expires in 8 months)
10-Class Pack for Seniors (62+): $140
20-Class Pack: $240 (Expires in 1 year)
20-Class Pack for Seniors (62+): $230
If financial assistance is needed, please send an email request to Rosie at whiteswanyoga@comcast.net
*Class-packs (excluding discounted packs) are shareable amongst household members. Each member must have their own account and household sharing has to be set up via email or phone.
Virtual Monthly Membership on White Swan Living: $25
Includes live-stream (Zoom) and pre-recorded classes
Auto-renews monthly
Cancel anytime
Month to Month Virtual Class Library on White Swan Living: $35
Includes pre-recorded classes only (Zoom is not included)
Cancel anytime
Does not automatically renew each month
White Swan Living is our on-demand, virtual class library with over 300 classes available. Membership includes Foundations in Meditation, a six-week meditation course, as well as access to weekly live-streamed classes (live-stream access is only available with auto-renewing membership).
Unlimited Monthly Membership ~ $90
Unlimited Monthly Membership (Seniors, 62+)~ $80
Unlimited yoga classes at White Swan Yoga and the Currier Museum of Art
Auto renews monthly
Requires a two-month commitment
Includes live-stream and on-demand classes on White Swan Living
Membership also gives you 10% off of workshops at White Swan Yoga.